Hello world! My new tech blog and why you should follow it.
Published at: 27th Mar 2022, 8:15 pmHey there! My name is Dennis, i'm a senior fullstack developer and i am starting to blog about tech stuff.
I'm glad you made it here.
My name is Dennis and i'm a passionate full-stack engineer from Munich, Germany.
When i'm not coding you will either find me gaming, travelling or eating (i'm a biiiig foodie). At my previous workplace, steadforce, i had the opportunity to work with big international clients, tackling big and interesting problems. If you are interested in the technologies i like to use, check the list below.
P.S. I also (try to condition myself to) blog regularly, have a look at my posts at the bottom
Technologies I regularly work with:
Hey there! My name is Dennis, i'm a senior fullstack developer and i am starting to blog about tech stuff.